Sunday, November 1, 2009

reflections of sa1 performence

sa1 is now over,now we can relax a bit.I think the sa1 papers have tested me fairly because it tested us about the things our teacher had teach us about.I think i had done well in this semester,I don not think the remedial or enrichment helped me beacause I do not attend any remedial or enrichment so it did not helped me in any way.I think my home tuition has been useful in improving my results

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Influenza A H1N1

lnfluenza a is a type of disease that can spread easily.if you cough of snezee ot a person he can get the flu.Malaysia,japan and mexcio has the case of lnfluenza a.the countries will take everyone temperature to make sure no body has the flu.think the taking of temperature is effective in preventing Influenza A because we can know if that person has flu. the other preventive measures are being taken to combat the spread of this disease in Singapore is to see a doctor if are unwell .and wear a mask if you have cough or fluI am washing my hands before eat to prevent the spread of lnfluenza a.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Earth Day

hi friends,

Earth Day is important to me because we only can live in one earth.I understand by the phrase "save the Earth".the meaning is to stop throwing thrash and start recycling. it is important to recycle, reuse and reduce ,example recycle used paper ,plastic bottle and can and many more.... I can switch off the lights to save engery and reuse the plastic bag until it is not useable. We can have a word search related to recycling

Sunday, April 12, 2009

International Friendship Day

Hi people

we celebrate International Friendship Day becauseto get along to know and make freinds we them . International Friendship Day come about comeing form diffrent country to visit there freinds .ASEAN stands for the10 country that is antrarica , singapore,,thailand , philippines,camboila,indonesia,brunei,laosand vietnam.i do not really know a lot about ASEAN
.i like the activities organised by the school on International Friendship Day because we get to learn more about ASEAN.i have a freind from malaysia.i get to know him because he is in the same class as me.we should put a slideshow to develop friendship with ASEN countries

Sunday, March 29, 2009

healthy eating

hi everyone,we need to eat heathly food to be healthy right?.like vegtables,fruitand more.unhealthy food like burger,chicken wing and more is bad for our is important to be healthy because we will be fit and do not getsick.when you eat unhealthy food too much you will get diseases like heart problem.when you eat heathly food you will be heathly.i like to eat fruits and vegetables because it helps to bulid up strong bonesand keeps us moveing.i support the school's campaign in encouraging pupils to eat more fruits and vegetables because the schools wants to helps us be healthy.i suggest to tell our studants them the importants of being healthy.thats all people.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


it is the holidays .i took a ship to usa to stay there for 4 days 3 nights a five star room . the tour guide took us to placesthat are insteresting . i tasted their food it was great!. then we took a small boat back to the big boat .it was fun to go to usa.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

sports day

hi everyone ,I miss sports day because I was sick.I think the most intereting part is the signs of my team. because i like to cheer on my team to win.engage in sports is important because it helps us to be fit.i did not engage in the sports because i am a slow runner.i can put more fans so it will not be hot

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

what i want to be be when i grow up

when i grow up i want to be a pilot.i like planes because i like to be in the contral of a plane and to go to many contries

Sunday, January 4, 2009

what i do for the holiday

i will go on a plane to usa and more.most of the time i will stay at home to do alot of things at home